Données bibliographiques / Bibliografische DatenPrinter
Source / Fundstelle:
Revue / Zeitschrift:German Law Journal
Année / Jahr:2019
Localisation / Standort:German Law Journal, Volume 20, Issue 7, pp. 1047-1065
Catégorie / Kategorie:Droit de la religion, Religionsrecht
Mots clef / Schlagworte:Religionsrecht, Religionsverfassungsrecht, Éducation religieuse, Enseignement de la religion
Abstract: In Article 7, paragraph 3, the German Constitution provides that religious education shall be a part of the curriculum of public school. This is one of the three approaches of dealing with religious education existing today. Originally, religious education as a regular subject at public schools in Germany was only offered by the two Christian Churches—Catholic and Protestant. As the number of Christians decreased and the number of Muslims increased, the demand for Islamic religious education at public schools grew. Therefore, the question arose whether the constitutional law concerning religion is capable of facing the new challenges of religious diversity. This article tries to answer this question with regard to the introduction of Islamic religious education as a measure of adaptiveness. In the first step, the requirements of Article 7, paragraph 3 of the Constitution posed to religious education will be outlined in order to be able to examine in the second step whether Islamic religious education may be introduced at public schools as a regular subject. In this regard, the issue of the qualification of an umbrella association as a religious society and the constitutionality of the advisory board model will be discussed.